Tips for Starting A Campus Student Organization
Do Your HomeworkConsider Your Options
Consider your options - what kind of student organization would you like? Read this tip sheet about the differences between clubs, cultural centers, and student organizations. Contact Student Affairs Contact the coordinator of student organizations on your campus to find out what you need to do to become a recognized campus organization. This person is probably in Student Affairs, Student Services, or Student Life. That person can help you fill out paperwork and learn about any campus requirements for student groups. Get TogetherBring Students Together
Gather disabled students, culturally Deaf students, or nondisabled allies who are interested in being a part of your organization. There are many different ways to do this, so go with your strengths! Mostly you are looking for like-minded people willing to share the work and likely to enjoy or appreciate the benefits of the organization. Some options include:
Have a Working Meeting and Plan Follow-Up Meetings
Connect with OthersReach Out to DREAM
DREAM is run by students and for students. We're always here to help - just contact us. Encourage students in your group to participate in DREAM activities and to join the DREAM Slack Channel. Sign Up for the DREAM Listerv to Get Weekly News Updates EveryMonday during the academic year, the NCCSD sends out a Weekly News Update with news about what's happening across the U.S. with disability and higher education issues. We archive past issues on the NCCSD website, but if you sign up for our DREAM email listserv you'll be the first to get them. It's a great way to stay informed about what other campuses are doing and it's free! Contact Other Campuses Check out the DREAM list of campus organizations. Find someone in your state or region, and ask them for advice about how they got started. Learn More about Disability and Higher Education Learn more about what others are doing. DREAM is part of the National Center for College Students with Disabilities - check out their Clearinghouse of information and resources. Also take a look at what other national organizations are doing for college students with disabilities. |