From DREAM: Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring
Sponsored by the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) ------------------------------- Weekly Email Update on Issues Related to Disability and Higher Education Week of November 8-14, 2015 * In honor of Veteran’s Day, we have a few links for you:
------------------------------- Disability and higher education in the news (in no particular order): * November 21 in Baltimore, the National Association of Law Students with Disabilities will be convening its annual conference: * Gallaudet University’s women’s volleyball team won their sixth straight NEAC championship: * If you’re a big donor to the University of Evansville, they’ll convert a disability parking space to VIP parking for you: * Ted Nugent passed away on Veteran’s Day, after devoting his life to disabled veterans, improving access at the University of Illinois, and wheelchair sports: * The University of Oregon is starting a new disability studies minor: * The federal government is reconvening the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, and its members will include Edlyn Peña from California Lutheran University, who specializes in researching experiences of college students with autism: * Amarillo College theater faculty thought it would be funny to give blind student Thea Touchton a “Cyclops Award,” but she filed a complaint, saying that it’s indicative of ongoing bullying in the department: * Margaret Moss, an assistant dean at the University of Buffalo, has published the first nursing textbook on American Indian health: * Rutgers University is creating a program for 60 adults with autism and developmental disabilities to live and work on campus: * More details are emerging about the new “Red Folder” system to help faculty and administrators deal with “students in distress” – it’s being implemented at all 23 campuses in the California State University system, and in many community colleges: * Steve Kuusisto, a blind professor at Syracuse University, writes about the “thermal layer” of universities, where disability policies and progressive philosophies about access are likely to become re-interpreted, stalled, or distorted: * The University of Illinois’ Disability Resources and Educational Services department has published an online list of strategies for students with disabilities – including learning styles, active reading strategies, and even dealing with the distractions of social media: * Most people know about bulimia and anorexia, but orthorexia is less known – Katie Dalebout shares her college experiences with this eating disorder where people pursue ideas of being healthy to the point it becomes unhealthy: * A major gift to the University of California, San Francisco may be part of a new wave of donations and funding for mental health research and programming – an area that has a long history of being under-funded: * Josh Hepple is a UK student taking on law education, inaccessible universities, and paradigms of what makes a “good lawyer”: * One week after Yale announces its $50 million initiative to increase faculty diversity, it loses Karen Nakamura, acclaimed professor of various types of interdisciplinary diversity studies, who will head to UC Berkeley to become the chair of disability studies: * The University of Georgia is setting up a new inclusive postsecondary program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: * The current issue of the Harvard Review of Psychiatry takes a look back at the Virginia Tech shooting and its lessons for college mental health services, with a focus on increasing the number of psychiatrists and recommendations for dealing with violent students, making this a good time to remind readers that students with mental and emotional disabilities are more likely to be victims of violence and not perpetrators: * Students at the University of Washington have started a petition asking for new faculty hiring processes to prioritize people with disabilities and an understanding of disability and social justice – it’s attracting signatures from around the country: * The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s top-ranked wheelchair basketball team has signed Melissa Schaefer from Illinois: * The ADA passed 25 years ago, but for students with disabilities at Alamo community colleges, access is still a major issue and subject to budget cuts (including elimination of notetaking services when budgets were slashed): * All locations of the College of the North Atlantic will offer accessible hunting, angling, and firearms courses to disabled people: * Long-time activist Anthony Tusler will be sending his papers and photographs to UC Berkeley’s archives: * An employee at the University of Pennsylvania filed suit for age and disability discrimination, but decided not to pursue her case; one day after the deadline for filing her suit, the University fired her, so she is suing them, claiming they retaliated against her for the original complaint: * The national organization Students with Diabetes ( has set up a new chapter at Grand Valley State University in Michigan: * In the wake of the Stubblefield case, here are a few news items:
And a few related items of possible interest to college students: * The University of Missouri, Ithaca College, Claremont-McKenna, Vanderbilt…protests are spreading across the country over racism and how racist activities are handled by campus administrators:
* “Black Women on Wheels” is a two-part blog by Andraéa LaVant that explores life as a Black female wheelchair-using “sistah” and the presumptions people make: * A new television series called “The Inspectors” features a 19-year old wheelchair user who helps his mom solve crimes: * December 3 will be the International Day of Persons with Disabilities – learn more at: * A funny clip from the “Getting On” TV show is making the rounds, showing how remote video interpreting for Deaf people doesn’t always work out quite the way it’s supposed to and can end up with nurses prescribing turnips (video has captions but no audio description): * It’s official - if any employer (including campuses) retaliates against an employee for requesting disability accommodations, the employee can file a complaint under the Fair Employment and Housing Act: * People with disabilities are getting involved in online alt-porn movies – here’s one actor’s take on starring in porn: * A poem “Don’t Be an Activist” has been making the rounds of college activists, reminding them to “pace to it”: * The U.S. will debut money that is accessible to people with visual impairments, but we all have to wait until 2020 for it: * A new smartwatch is in product testing – it detects seizures and high levels of emotional stress, and was specifically designed for people with many different types of disabilities: * One year ago this week, disability studies professor Steve Taylor passed away – in his honor, the Disability Cultural Center at Syracuse University shared this link to his article “Negotiation” about how activists can negotiate well for what they need: * The federal government has introduced a new app to help people with disabilities connect to employment and learn about accommodations: * The UK is reporting an incredible 41 percent rise in disability hate crimes, and that may only be a fraction of the bigger picture: * Republican candidate Donald Trump has published a book called “Crippled America” and some cripples are taking issue with the title: * A five-part series in the Minneapolis StarTribune shows how people with disabilities are being systematically denied the right to live, work, and love in Minnesota: * After a video about the service went viral, Starbucks decided to add live Barista video (and the option of using ASL) to 2,400 drive-thrus: * Senator Tom Cotton suggested that SSDI can cause heroin epidemics, but experts on SSDI and drugs are saying he is getting it backwards: This week’s issue of the DREAM weekly e-mail is available at the DREAM website, with archived back issues available, as well ( For more information about DREAM or AHEAD contact Wendy Harbour ([email protected]). To subscribe or unsubscribe, please go to Wendy Harbour can also handle requests to subscribe or unsubscribe. By the way, please don't presume DREAM or AHEAD agree with everything in these links we send out - we're just passing along the information so you can form your own opinions. Thanks. Comments are closed.
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