DREAM Weekly Email, Disability and Higher Education in the News: November 15-28, 2015
From DREAM: Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring Sponsored by the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) ------------------------------- Weekly Email Update on Issues Related to Disability and Higher Education Week of November 15-28, 2015 *HAPPY THANKSGIVING! WE’RE SENDING OUT LAST WEEK’S NEWSLETTER A LITTLE LATE SO WE CAN COVER TWO WEEKS AT ONCE AND THEN EAT MORE LEFTOVERS THIS FRIDAY. WE’LL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!” ------------------------------- Disability and higher education in the news (in no particular order): * Senator Bob Casey is asking the U.S. Department of Education for greater transparency, information, and research related to disability services in higher education: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/11/20/greater-transparency-college/21421/ * The University of Miami student government has appointed sophomore Rachel Reeves as the new “Director of Student Disability Advocacy;” she will work on disability-related student government policies and be a liaison to disability services: http://miamistudent.net/?p=17014144 * DREAM just learned that DREAM member, University of Illinois doctoral student, and disability activist Amber Buckley-Shaklee passed away earlier this month from muscular dystrophy – this article from the National Council on Disability has more information and a link to her obituary: https://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/2015/ncd-celebrates-life-amber-buckley-shaklee * John Hopkins University issued an honorary master’s degree to Kirsch, guide dog for student Carlos Mora: http://disabilityand.me/2015/11/13/johns-hopkins-awards-honorary-masters-degree-to-guide-dog-who-sat-through-all-of-owners-classes/ * Racism is taking a psychological toll on college students – and students from other minority groups experiencing similar effects from oppression, as well: http://newsone.com/3257116/psychological-toll-racism-black-students/ * Ellen Hibbard of Ryerson University has successfully defended a doctoral thesis that incorporated videos into English text: http://www.universityaffairs.ca/news/news-article/phd-thesis-opens-new-doors-for-deaf-scholars/ * The Office of Civil Rights has cited 16 areas of Ithaca College that must comply with federal Americans with Disabilities Act standards: https://theithacan.org/news/ithaca-college-works-to-address-ada-compliance-issues/ * Graduate student Ariel Baker-Gibbs talks about her “paranoid scheduling” and how dealing with interpreter requests and scheduling affects her mental health and participation on campus: http://arielbakergibbs.com/in-the-greenhouse-paranoid-scheduling/ * Barbara Evans is retiring after 38 years working in San Diego State University’s disability services office: http://newscenter.sdsu.edu/sdsu_newscenter/news_story.aspx?sid=75907 * A new federal report describes higher education barriers to technology and learning for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: http://www.acl.gov/programs/aidd/Programs/PCPID/docs/PCPID-2015-Report-to-President.pdf * Margaret Campbell is using her doctoral research at Concordia University in Montreal to address stereotypes of disability and sexuality: http://www.journalpioneer.com/News/Local/2015-11-16/article-4345128/Margaret-Campbell-using-PhD-study-to-erase-stereotypes-regarding-disabled-people-and-sexuality/1 * Colleges aren’t doing enough to recruit and support veterans, says a new research report by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University – it also notes that veterans with disabilities are more likely to attend higher education than nondisabled veterans (the article has a link to the full report at the end): http://www.militarytimes.com/story/veterans/best-for-vets/education/2015/11/18/ivmf-college-survey/75937130/ * In a speech at Vassar, Spelman College professor Margaret Price talked about mental health and disability in academia, and how the lack of discussion affects faculty as well as students: http://miscellanynews.org/2015/11/18/news/disabilities-expert-urges-greater-openness-on-campus/ * Deaf University of Wisconsin-Madison doctoral student Phu Duong shares his love of biology and experience growing up as the son of Vietnamese refugees: http://news.wisc.edu/24195 * The 4th Circuit has ruled that Towson University did not discriminate against Towson University football player Gavin Class, who was not allowed to return to football with disability accommodations after a liver transplant: http://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20151117/NEWS06/151119823/university-allowed-to-block-football-player-from-team-after-liver * University of Arizona doctoral student Stephane Hoeckley shares her love of music and her belief that she and other autistic students should follow their passions even if they don’t conform to stereotypes: http://uanews.org/blog/champion-autistic-musicians * Gage Fitzgerald of Arkansas is going to Guilford College with a service dog that assists with his epileptic seizures, but he has to raise $14,000 to keep the dog, forcing his family to hold fundraisers and appeal to the media (video has captioning but no audio description): http://abc11.com/health/teen-with-epilespy-needs-therapy-dog-to-attend-college/1092026/ * Washburn University students share their “Other Stories” in an event promoting understanding of diversity on campus, and student Corey Boehmer brought a disability perspective, talking about his autism and physical disabilities: http://cjonline.com/news/2015-11-19/washburn-university-storytelling-forum-focuses-diverse-voices-campus * An introductory disability studies course offers students new perspectives on disability at SUNY Geneseo and the world: http://thelamron.com/2015/11/20/interdisciplinary-course-provides-expanded-comprehension-new-perception-of-disability/ * Indiana is trying to change graduation standards to prepare students for college, but what if it means students with disabilities can’t get a diploma at all? http://indianapublicmedia.org/stateimpact/2015/11/17/diploma-types-leave-special-ed-students/ * An immigrant from Eritrea, Haben Girma became Harvard Law School’s first deaf-blind graduate (video has captions but no audio description): http://thisisafrica.me/meet-haben-girma-harvard-laws-first-deaf-blind-graduate/ * With sponsorship from the American Diabetes Association, many campuses are installing vending machines offering healthier food choices, to encourage healthy eating and prevent diabetes in college students: http://www.collegian.psu.edu/news/borough/article_48f53168-8e49-11e5-b658-63f064b5a697.html * Elle Shaheen is 16 and getting ready to take the SATs as a first step toward college – she wonders why she has to prove her service dog is medically necessary in managing her diabetes during the test: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elle-shaheen/college-board-and-sats_b_8584150.html * North Central University professor Pauline Ballentine has become one of only four Certified Deaf Interpreters in the state of Minnesota: http://ncunortherner.com/2015/11/north-central-professor-awarded-with-rare-honor/ * Karen Nakamura’s move from Yale University to chair of disability studies at UC Berkeley continues to make news: http://www.dailycal.org/2015/11/19/yale-university-professor-to-join-campus-institute-as-chair-of-disability-studies/ * For Seahawks player Earl Thomas, college was when he realized he had ADHD, and learning about how to help himself has led to him also helping kids and teens with ADHD: http://www.seahawks.com/news/2015/11/19/after-fighting-his-own-battle-adhd-seahawks-free-safety-earl-thomas-hopes-help-kids * Nursing student Katie Vree needs a new standing wheelchair to finish her studies, so Trinity Community College students are fundraising to help her: http://patch.com/illinois/oakforest/nursing-student-needs-new-wheelchair-school-rallies-help * 529 ABLE accounts will allow people with disabilities to have funds that help with lifelong expenses related to disability and any higher education costs – the IRS has issued additional guidelines to make it easier for 529 ABLE applicants: http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20151120/FREE/151129992/irs-rethinks-rules-for-savings-accounts-to-care-for-young-people And a few related items of possible interest to college students: * Disability stories are coming out of the Paris attacks by terrorists, including the story of a man whose prosthetic leg fooled gunmen (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34836370) and stories of how the shooters targeted those sitting in disability seating (https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/30110246/terrorists-targeted-wheelchair-bound-victims-inside-the-bataclan/) * The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) celebrates its 40th anniversary as the legislation that ensures students with disabilities have access to special education services: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/idea40/index.html * As you face the stress of holidays and exams, here’s a self-care printable for when you actually are not doing okay: http://www.tosavealife.com/for-when-youre-actually-not-okay-a-self-care-printable/ * Airlines continue to mistreat the disabled in a variety of appalling ways: https://www.yahoo.com/travel/shocking-ways-airlines-are-mistreating-the-083037607.html * FYI world – the people who love us are not automatically saints, so please don’t put them on pedestals: http://claimingcrip.blogspot.com/2015/11/loving-me-does-not-make-you-saint.html * The Paralympics is investigating reports of scrotum squeezing and athletes shutting off catheters to increase adrenalin before athletic events: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/scrotum-squeezing-getting-closer-look-from-paralympics-officials_564b719ce4b06037734b2510 * Charlie Sheen has revealed that he is HIV+ (video’s captions are not working and there is no audio description): http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/17/health/charlie-sheen-health/ * What not to say…and what to say…to someone who has depression (video has no captions or audio description): http://www.americantheatre.org/2015/10/20/theatre-artists-with-disabilities-are-ready-willing-and-yes-able/ * If you’re in Portland, Oregon and you see a TV in a bar, library, gym or any public space, that TV is now required to have closed captioning on: http://silentgrapevine.com/2015/11/city-of-portland-now-requires-closed-caption-during-business-hours.html * USAID projects around the world are leaving out people with disabilities: http://www.perkins.org/get-involved/advocate/majority-of-usaid-projects-leave-out-people-with-disabilities * Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson comes out about having depression, and advises people to know they aren’t alone, and have faith that something good is on the other side of depressive episodes: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dwayne-johnson-the-rock-depression_564c2533e4b06037734bb59d * Theaters can do much more to hire artists with disabilities: http://www.americantheatre.org/2015/10/20/theatre-artists-with-disabilities-are-ready-willing-and-yes-able/ * Is “The Mighty” exploiting people with disabilities through our stories? One woman thinks so, and she’s had it: http://www.meriahnichols.com/why-ive-had-it-with-the-mighty/ * Nikola Tesla is gaining in popularity – did you know he had OCD and was possibly asexual? http://historybuff.com/4-strange-facts-about-nikola-tesla-to-share-at-your-next-nerd-gathering/ * One blogger is asking people to redefine disability and connect stories together online – for more information go to: http://rosebfischer.com/2014/07/15/the-redefining-disability-awareness-challenge/ * A series of posters from Women’s Aid UK are highlighting women with disabilities who have abusive partners, and how society’s views of disability can create barriers for women to get help: http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/11/ipv-disabled-women-posters/ * Listen to the “Backstory” radio show discuss the ways disability history shaped the modern U.S. (transcript link available at the bottom of the page): http://backstoryradio.org/shows/body-politics/ * What if your anxiety was sending you texts? Here’s how they would look, complete with the purple devil emoji: http://www.buzzfeed.com/annaborges/buzz-buzz-mofo#.jnb58vBZm * One Deaf cochlear implant user explains why even with the implant, he still uses American Sign Language: http://www.munkymind.com/blog/2015/11/19/the-cochlear-implant-isnt-always-what-you-think-it-is/ * Toronto police are facing a $5 million after the beating of a disabled man is caught on film: http://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-police-face-5m-lawsuit-after-disabled-man-s-beating-caught-on-video-1.2664265 * This article from the UK explains issues facing many entrepreneurs with disabilities: http://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2015/nov/19/disabled-entrepreneurs-are-facing-too-many-barriers * A new A&E reality show will feature young adults with Down syndrome: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/11/16/new-tv-series-down-syndrome/20963/ * America’s Next Top Model Nyle DiMarco shows how to sign “Bae,” “WTF,” and other slang in ASL: http://www.nylon.com/articles/nyle-dimarco-sign-language-video * A new study in the UK has suggested that when the government reassesses the disability status of people receiving benefits, it can lead to mental and emotional distress: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-11/uol-ati111315.php * Texas is opening the world’s first water park designed to be fully accessible – but mainly for children with disabilities and not those of us over age 10 who like a good water slide: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/11/11/water-park-in-the-works/20950/ * Wheelchair users are more likely to be killed in traffic than other pedestrians, and city planners and researchers need to find ways to address the problem: http://www.citylab.com/politics/2015/11/wheelchair-users-are-more-likely-to-be-killed-in-traffic-than-other-pedestrians/416667/ This week’s issue of the DREAM weekly e-mail is available at the DREAM website, with archived back issues available, as well (http://www.dreamcollegedisability.org). For more information about DREAM or AHEAD contact Wendy Harbour ([email protected]). To subscribe or unsubscribe, please go to http://ahead-listserve.org/mailman/listinfo/dream_ahead-listserve.org. Wendy Harbour can also handle requests to subscribe or unsubscribe. By the way, please don't presume DREAM or AHEAD agree with everything in these links we send out - we're just passing along the information so you can form your own opinions. Thanks. Comments are closed.
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