April, 2015 DREAM Newsletters
This page contains newsletters from:
- March 1-7
- March 29-April 4
March 1-7, 2015
From DREAM: Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring
Sponsored by the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education at Syracuse University
Weekly Email Update on Issues Related to Disability and Higher Education
Week of March 1-7, 2015
Disability and higher education in the news (in no particular order):
* The University of Manchester in the UK has created an app that allows users to navigate campus access features, and can be personalized to each user's needs: http://www.prolificnorth.co.uk/2015/03/university-of-manchesters-accessable-app-is-world-first/
* March 1 was the national Day of Mourning for people with disabilities murdered by family members and caregivers. For more information, check out information at: http://autisticadvocacy.org/2015/02/on-our-backs-we-will-carry-them/; and here's a story on one vigil at the University of Chicago: http://chicagomaroon.com/2015/03/02/as-part-of-nationwide-movement-campus-remembers-the-disabled/)
* March 4 was "Spread the Word to End the Word" awareness day, and many campuses took part in activities to end the use of the "r-word" – learn more at http://www.r-word.org/ and check out the list of participating campuses at http://www.r-word.org/r-word-events.aspx
* In the late 1940's, MIT created a science club for boys with disabilities, but the real purpose was to run science experiments on them without consent from them or their parents: http://priceonomics.com/the-mit-science-club-for-disabled-children/
* The University of North Georgia has started a peer mentoring program for all incoming students with disabilities: http://ung.edu/news/articles/2015/03/program-increases-support-for-students-with-disabilities.php
* A Syracuse University student with the flu ends up being transferred to a local hospital and involuntarily committed to the psychiatric ward: http://nypost.com/2015/03/01/flu-ridden-student-claims-hospital-treated-her-like-a-psych-patient/
* One student at the University of Iowa wonders why compliance with the law sets the limits of what the Services for Students with Disabilities will do: http://www.dailyiowan.com/2015/02/27/Opinions/41139.html
* Through a collaboration with local and state organizations, Western Nevada College is setting up a new "Career Connect" program to assist students with the college-to-work transition:http://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/15238903-113/western-nevada-news-notes-carson-citys-wncs-career-connect
And a few related items of possible interest to college students:
* The Department of Justice's investigation of Ferguson not only turned up systemic racism, but also appalling treatment of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses:http://www.salon.com/2015/03/04/8_horrifying_revelations_in_the_justice_departments_ferguson_report/
* Who is designing the best adaptive technology for people with disabilities? People with disabilities:http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2015/03/03/the_best_adaptive_technologies_are_designed_by_people_with_disabilities.html
* Gold? Blue? Which color was the dress? Maybe #TheDress debate can teach us something about autism and how there's no right or wrong way of viewing the world:http://www.buzzfeed.com/virginiahughes/thedress-reveals-something-pretty-profound-about-autism#.wsrx4odG9
* What can disabled bodies teach us about the way society views sex? http://gizmodo.com/sex-lives-and-disability-what-disabled-bodies-can-tea-1689105734
* A Valentine's Day video has gone viral – watch skeletons hug, kiss, and dance…and then watch what happens when they show the crowd what they look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cen7NhfpMVE
* Sharon DaVanport, president of the Autism Women's Network, discusses links between autism and anorexia, and how many autistic women are mis-diagnosed as being anorexic:http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2014/06/what-its-like-to-have-anorexia-and-autism.html
* Ray Koonce, Jr. has cerebral palsy and is breaking state, national, and world records in power curling: http://6abc.com/sports/del-man-with-cerebral-palsy-breaks-power-curling-records/517062/
* While state and federal agencies recognize racial and ethnic health disparities, researchers are suggesting disabled people also have higher rates of many health conditions that are unrelated to their disabilities:http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/archives/2015/feb/people-disabilities-experience-unrecognized-health-disparities-new-research-shows
* Supporter of the ACLU and NAACP, anti-poverty crusader, and radical socialist under FBI surveillance…probably not the Helen Keller you thought you knew (videos have poor captioning and no audio description):http://www.dailyiowan.com/2015/02/27/Opinions/41139.html
* If you are getting a two-year degree and hope to transfer to a four-year degree program, be sure to look beyond local colleges: http://hechingerreport.org/location-location-location-top-universities-far-away-low-income-high-school-graduates/
* Snow and ice continue to create problems for people with mobility-related disabilities – with the latest news coverage about this coming from Rochester, New York (video is not captioned or audio described):http://www.twcnews.com/nys/rochester/news/2015/03/1/snow-creates-mobility-concerns.html
For more information about DREAM or the Taishoff Center, contact:
Wendy Harbour ([email protected])
Or check out the DREAM website at http://dream.syr.edu
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the DREAM email list, fill out the form at http://dream.syr.edu/contact-us.html and ask to join or leave the listserv.
By the way, please don't presume DREAM, the Taishoff Center, or Syracuse University agree with everything in these links we send out - we're just passing along the information so you can form your own opinions. Thanks.
Sponsored by the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education at Syracuse University
Weekly Email Update on Issues Related to Disability and Higher Education
Week of March 1-7, 2015
Disability and higher education in the news (in no particular order):
* The University of Manchester in the UK has created an app that allows users to navigate campus access features, and can be personalized to each user's needs: http://www.prolificnorth.co.uk/2015/03/university-of-manchesters-accessable-app-is-world-first/
* March 1 was the national Day of Mourning for people with disabilities murdered by family members and caregivers. For more information, check out information at: http://autisticadvocacy.org/2015/02/on-our-backs-we-will-carry-them/; and here's a story on one vigil at the University of Chicago: http://chicagomaroon.com/2015/03/02/as-part-of-nationwide-movement-campus-remembers-the-disabled/)
* March 4 was "Spread the Word to End the Word" awareness day, and many campuses took part in activities to end the use of the "r-word" – learn more at http://www.r-word.org/ and check out the list of participating campuses at http://www.r-word.org/r-word-events.aspx
* In the late 1940's, MIT created a science club for boys with disabilities, but the real purpose was to run science experiments on them without consent from them or their parents: http://priceonomics.com/the-mit-science-club-for-disabled-children/
* The University of North Georgia has started a peer mentoring program for all incoming students with disabilities: http://ung.edu/news/articles/2015/03/program-increases-support-for-students-with-disabilities.php
* A Syracuse University student with the flu ends up being transferred to a local hospital and involuntarily committed to the psychiatric ward: http://nypost.com/2015/03/01/flu-ridden-student-claims-hospital-treated-her-like-a-psych-patient/
* One student at the University of Iowa wonders why compliance with the law sets the limits of what the Services for Students with Disabilities will do: http://www.dailyiowan.com/2015/02/27/Opinions/41139.html
* Through a collaboration with local and state organizations, Western Nevada College is setting up a new "Career Connect" program to assist students with the college-to-work transition:http://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/15238903-113/western-nevada-news-notes-carson-citys-wncs-career-connect
And a few related items of possible interest to college students:
* The Department of Justice's investigation of Ferguson not only turned up systemic racism, but also appalling treatment of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses:http://www.salon.com/2015/03/04/8_horrifying_revelations_in_the_justice_departments_ferguson_report/
* Who is designing the best adaptive technology for people with disabilities? People with disabilities:http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2015/03/03/the_best_adaptive_technologies_are_designed_by_people_with_disabilities.html
* Gold? Blue? Which color was the dress? Maybe #TheDress debate can teach us something about autism and how there's no right or wrong way of viewing the world:http://www.buzzfeed.com/virginiahughes/thedress-reveals-something-pretty-profound-about-autism#.wsrx4odG9
* What can disabled bodies teach us about the way society views sex? http://gizmodo.com/sex-lives-and-disability-what-disabled-bodies-can-tea-1689105734
* A Valentine's Day video has gone viral – watch skeletons hug, kiss, and dance…and then watch what happens when they show the crowd what they look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cen7NhfpMVE
* Sharon DaVanport, president of the Autism Women's Network, discusses links between autism and anorexia, and how many autistic women are mis-diagnosed as being anorexic:http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2014/06/what-its-like-to-have-anorexia-and-autism.html
* Ray Koonce, Jr. has cerebral palsy and is breaking state, national, and world records in power curling: http://6abc.com/sports/del-man-with-cerebral-palsy-breaks-power-curling-records/517062/
* While state and federal agencies recognize racial and ethnic health disparities, researchers are suggesting disabled people also have higher rates of many health conditions that are unrelated to their disabilities:http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/archives/2015/feb/people-disabilities-experience-unrecognized-health-disparities-new-research-shows
* Supporter of the ACLU and NAACP, anti-poverty crusader, and radical socialist under FBI surveillance…probably not the Helen Keller you thought you knew (videos have poor captioning and no audio description):http://www.dailyiowan.com/2015/02/27/Opinions/41139.html
* If you are getting a two-year degree and hope to transfer to a four-year degree program, be sure to look beyond local colleges: http://hechingerreport.org/location-location-location-top-universities-far-away-low-income-high-school-graduates/
* Snow and ice continue to create problems for people with mobility-related disabilities – with the latest news coverage about this coming from Rochester, New York (video is not captioned or audio described):http://www.twcnews.com/nys/rochester/news/2015/03/1/snow-creates-mobility-concerns.html
For more information about DREAM or the Taishoff Center, contact:
Wendy Harbour ([email protected])
Or check out the DREAM website at http://dream.syr.edu
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the DREAM email list, fill out the form at http://dream.syr.edu/contact-us.html and ask to join or leave the listserv.
By the way, please don't presume DREAM, the Taishoff Center, or Syracuse University agree with everything in these links we send out - we're just passing along the information so you can form your own opinions. Thanks.
March 29-April 4, 2015
From DREAM: Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring
Sponsored by the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education at Syracuse University
Weekly Email Update on Issues Related to Disability and Higher Education
Week of March 29-April 4, 2015
Disability and higher education in the news (in no particular order):
* 60 universities and other groups reach 3 million people using edX Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and the US Department of Justice just reached a settlement with them to increase accessibility for people with disabilities: http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-reaches-settlement-edx-inc-provider-massive-open-online-courses-make-its
* An op-ed in The New York Times criticizes trigger warnings and the idea of “safe spaces” in academia: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/22/opinion/sunday/judith-shulevitz-hiding-from-scary-ideas.html?_r=0
* Temple University is not relying on disability services to be responsible for accessible technology – it’s working on the issue across campus: http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/03/18/building-university-wide-it-accessibility.aspx
* Will the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama Care) be good or bad for college students? The question is becoming more complicated as many colleges consider dropping student health insurance and forcing students to use state exchanges: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/colleges-health-insurance-business-29974189
* An autistic academic talks about communication, networking, and being visibly “different”: http://conditionallyaccepted.com/2015/03/17/autism/
* One blogger confronts those who say we shouldn’t let our disabilities define us: http://queercrip.tumblr.com/post/104876484937/please-stop-saying-dont-let-your-disabilities
* Irene Scott has a self-described hearing disability and is using her experience as a world traveler to advise Texas A&M students with disabilities about their study abroad options:http://www.miusa.org/resource/bestpractice/leadbyexample
* Born with one hand, Carter Smith is a starting pitcher for the University of Tennnessee-Martin Skyhawks: http://www.columbiatribune.com/sports/ut-martin-pitcher-unfazed-by-disability/article_d5ff69e1-b313-56e7-892c-e21d0dbe607f.html
* FOX news calls for more NCAA attention to eating disorders and other mental health issues of college student athletes: http://www.foxsports.com/other/story/madison-holleran-ncaa-student-athletes-mental-health-issues-032515
* After a student with dyslexia filed a discrimination complaint against the University of Maryland, the campus agreed to change its accommodation policies and how it handles complaints about them:http://www.diamondbackonline.com/news/article_95b6dd4c-d339-11e4-bcab-6f9d5cadbc20.html
* Students from four different campus chapters of Active Minds will work with Highwood Theatre in Maryland, to be sure their production of August: Osage County will portray mental illness as accurately and respectfully as possible: http://www.broadwayworld.com/washington-dc/article/The-Highwood-Theatre-Tackles-Mental-Illness-in-Student-Production-20150323
* Tulane University struggles after suicides of several students – administrators wonder how to address the mental and emotional needs of students, and how much responsibility a campus should bear for students’ well-being: http://news.yahoo.com/tulane-s-mental-health-meltdown-144028239.html
* George Washington University is also dealing with campus suicides, but is focusing on issues facing men who have mental and emotional health needs: http://www.gwhatchet.com/2015/03/23/seven-male-student-deaths-mark-year-of-loss/
* A blogger at UC-Berkeley reminds campuses that some disabilities, like Lupus, are not always visible to others, but they are still very real: http://www.dailycal.org/2015/03/23/invisible-disability/
* Eli Curry, a student at Franklin College, discusses what his diagnosis of schizophrenia meant to him personally – as a student, with his family, and as a Black male:http://www.indianapolisrecorder.com/health/article_69e72238-d94e-11e4-93fd-1704dde1b8b9.html
* Blind student Tim Cordes has completed his MD at the University of Wisconsin – learn more about his journey at: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7318398/ns/health-health_care/t/blind-medical-student-earns-md/#.VSA-UuEsCXf
* The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the oldest sorority founded by African-American women (Alpha Kappa Alpha) are joining together to create a national campaign to expand mental health education and support in higher education: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nami-and-alpha-kappa-alpha-sorority-inc-announce-partnership-for-broader-mental-health-education-awareness-and-support-nationwide-300051414.html
* Today Eric Nelson works for the Chancellor’s office in the California Community College system, but he only succeeded in higher education when a professor taught him strategies to accommodate his ADHD:http://www.rocklintoday.com/news/templates/community_news.asp?articleid=14117&zoneid=4
* Ian DeAndrea-Lazarus, a Deaf medical student at the University of Rochester, is suing the American Heart Association for not having accessible online educational materials, including trainings for health care providers: http://nad.org/news/2015/3/deaf-medical-student-sues-american-heart-association
* Hand bicycles? Sled hockey? Wheelchair quidditch? Syracuse University has Orangeability expo to showcase accessible athletics, and to let people try out the equipment (whether or not they have a disability:http://dailyorange.com/2015/03/orangeability-accessible-athletics-expo-creates-inclusive-space-for-both-non-disabled-people-and-people-with-disabilities/
* A Penn State task force releases its Report of the Task Force on Student Psychological Health and Welfare – it details ineffiencies in the system and a campus culture that prevents students from accessing and using resources they need: http://www.thedp.com/article/2015/03/mental-health-at-penn-2015-task-force
* Beginning April 15, Shelley Tremain, professor at the University of Toronto, will host monthly online dialogues with disabled philosophers:http://philosophycommons.typepad.com/disability_and_disadvanta/2015/03/coming-soon-dialogues-on-disability.html
* A new University of South Carolina study says approximately 17% of college students are misusing ADHD medications in an attempt to improve their academic performance (video has captions that don’t work, no audio description): http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1113352423/adhd-drug-misused-by-one-in-six-college-students-031515/
* Goal ball continues to spread in popularity, with three university teams in Kenya: http://allafrica.com/stories/201503301015.html
* A former Ferris State University student is suing for disability discrimination, saying her disability was used as grounds for dismissing her from the College of Optometry: http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/03/student_sues_ferris_state_says.html
* Muscatine Community College student Isaac Mcgourty wrote an article about ADA compliance on campus, and it changed the way he looks at physical accessibility and his own experiences with disability:http://calumet.eicc.edu/news/2015/04/02/disabled-students-have-a-long-walk-to-the-bathroom/
And a few related items of possible interest to college students:
* In the wake of the Germanwings tragedy, many are worried about how “depression” is being blamed, and how that could increase the stigma for people seeking help or living with that diagnosis – here are two examplesS http://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2015/mar/27/andreas-lubitzs-germanwings-crash-mental-health-stigma-depression andhttp://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2015/03/germanwings_co_pilot_mental_illness_suicide_is_linked_to_depression_but.html
* On Twitter, “We Women with Disabilities Want (#WeWwdWant) by International Disability Alliance is asking women and girls with disabilities around the world to tell the international community what they want:https://twitter.com/IDA_CRPD_Forum
* Are you sick of explaining your chronic illness to others? (Yes, pun intended.) Try sending them a link to this list of 13 things they need to know (GIFs have captions but no audio description):http://www.mtv.com/news/2061806/chronic-illness-wish-understood/
* Do you think there should be a symbol for disabilities that are not visible to others? One woman with a brain injury says yes – take a look at her design: http://torontobraininjuryblog.com/2015/03/26/is-it-the-right-time-for-a-hidden-disability-symbol/
* Without provocation, a male comic rips into a female comic because she is fat and has a disability. Was she asking for it? Should everyone just lighten up? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/iliza-shlesinger/looking-like-that-she-was-asking-for-it-right_b_6980690.html
* High school graduation rates increase slightly for U.S. students with disabilities, but these statistics vary widely by state, and are still much lower for Black, Hispanic, and low-income students, as well as those with limited English proficiency: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/17/graduation-rates-inch-up/20141/
* Traveling on spring break? Contact TSA if you have questions about accessibility of airport security: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/17/tsa-help-special-needs/20137/
* Buzzfeed has actress and comic Santina Muha answer eight questions from readers about what it’s like to be a woman using a wheelchair (captions are about 80% ok, no audio description):http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/02/woman-in-wheelchair-answers-questions-about-her-life-buzzfeed_n_6991876.html
* Leah Katz-Hernandez is Deaf and she is breaking new ground as the recently appointed White House receptionist (video is captioned but not audio described): http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/27/disability-receptionist/20165/
* SSDI policies are making it hard for many people with disabilities to move into the workforce: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/03/why-is-it-so-hard-to-find-jobs-for-disabled-workers/388796/
* Latisha Anderson is a self-described “RN on Wheels,” a nurse who is also a paraplegic: http://azdailysun.com/lifestyles/wheelchair-doesn-t-stop-nurse-as-she-ministers-to-prisoners/article_b04a6499-4a38-5197-a216-23360a57d8a9.html
* Project Onward in Chicago provides a workspace for artists with disabilities: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20150326/ISSUE01/150329952/a-workspace-just-for-artists-with-disabilities
* The overall employment rates and job outlook in the US is improving, but rates of unemployment for people with disabilities are continuing to rise: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/04/03/jobs-march-15/20187/
* The UN Human Rights Council approved a resolution on the rights of people with disabilities to live independently and to be included in the community – a link to the full report is available athttp://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/en/article/human-rights-council-opens-its-28th-regular-session-geneva
For more information about DREAM or the Taishoff Center, contact:
Wendy Harbour ([email protected])
Or check out the DREAM website at http://dream.syr.edu
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the DREAM email list, fill out the form at http://dream.syr.edu/contact-us.html and ask to join or leave the listserv.
By the way, please don't presume DREAM, the Taishoff Center, or Syracuse University agree with everything in these links we send out - we're just passing along the information so you can form your own opinions. Thanks.
Sponsored by the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education at Syracuse University
Weekly Email Update on Issues Related to Disability and Higher Education
Week of March 29-April 4, 2015
Disability and higher education in the news (in no particular order):
* 60 universities and other groups reach 3 million people using edX Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and the US Department of Justice just reached a settlement with them to increase accessibility for people with disabilities: http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-reaches-settlement-edx-inc-provider-massive-open-online-courses-make-its
* An op-ed in The New York Times criticizes trigger warnings and the idea of “safe spaces” in academia: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/22/opinion/sunday/judith-shulevitz-hiding-from-scary-ideas.html?_r=0
* Temple University is not relying on disability services to be responsible for accessible technology – it’s working on the issue across campus: http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/03/18/building-university-wide-it-accessibility.aspx
* Will the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama Care) be good or bad for college students? The question is becoming more complicated as many colleges consider dropping student health insurance and forcing students to use state exchanges: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/colleges-health-insurance-business-29974189
* An autistic academic talks about communication, networking, and being visibly “different”: http://conditionallyaccepted.com/2015/03/17/autism/
* One blogger confronts those who say we shouldn’t let our disabilities define us: http://queercrip.tumblr.com/post/104876484937/please-stop-saying-dont-let-your-disabilities
* Irene Scott has a self-described hearing disability and is using her experience as a world traveler to advise Texas A&M students with disabilities about their study abroad options:http://www.miusa.org/resource/bestpractice/leadbyexample
* Born with one hand, Carter Smith is a starting pitcher for the University of Tennnessee-Martin Skyhawks: http://www.columbiatribune.com/sports/ut-martin-pitcher-unfazed-by-disability/article_d5ff69e1-b313-56e7-892c-e21d0dbe607f.html
* FOX news calls for more NCAA attention to eating disorders and other mental health issues of college student athletes: http://www.foxsports.com/other/story/madison-holleran-ncaa-student-athletes-mental-health-issues-032515
* After a student with dyslexia filed a discrimination complaint against the University of Maryland, the campus agreed to change its accommodation policies and how it handles complaints about them:http://www.diamondbackonline.com/news/article_95b6dd4c-d339-11e4-bcab-6f9d5cadbc20.html
* Students from four different campus chapters of Active Minds will work with Highwood Theatre in Maryland, to be sure their production of August: Osage County will portray mental illness as accurately and respectfully as possible: http://www.broadwayworld.com/washington-dc/article/The-Highwood-Theatre-Tackles-Mental-Illness-in-Student-Production-20150323
* Tulane University struggles after suicides of several students – administrators wonder how to address the mental and emotional needs of students, and how much responsibility a campus should bear for students’ well-being: http://news.yahoo.com/tulane-s-mental-health-meltdown-144028239.html
* George Washington University is also dealing with campus suicides, but is focusing on issues facing men who have mental and emotional health needs: http://www.gwhatchet.com/2015/03/23/seven-male-student-deaths-mark-year-of-loss/
* A blogger at UC-Berkeley reminds campuses that some disabilities, like Lupus, are not always visible to others, but they are still very real: http://www.dailycal.org/2015/03/23/invisible-disability/
* Eli Curry, a student at Franklin College, discusses what his diagnosis of schizophrenia meant to him personally – as a student, with his family, and as a Black male:http://www.indianapolisrecorder.com/health/article_69e72238-d94e-11e4-93fd-1704dde1b8b9.html
* Blind student Tim Cordes has completed his MD at the University of Wisconsin – learn more about his journey at: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7318398/ns/health-health_care/t/blind-medical-student-earns-md/#.VSA-UuEsCXf
* The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the oldest sorority founded by African-American women (Alpha Kappa Alpha) are joining together to create a national campaign to expand mental health education and support in higher education: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nami-and-alpha-kappa-alpha-sorority-inc-announce-partnership-for-broader-mental-health-education-awareness-and-support-nationwide-300051414.html
* Today Eric Nelson works for the Chancellor’s office in the California Community College system, but he only succeeded in higher education when a professor taught him strategies to accommodate his ADHD:http://www.rocklintoday.com/news/templates/community_news.asp?articleid=14117&zoneid=4
* Ian DeAndrea-Lazarus, a Deaf medical student at the University of Rochester, is suing the American Heart Association for not having accessible online educational materials, including trainings for health care providers: http://nad.org/news/2015/3/deaf-medical-student-sues-american-heart-association
* Hand bicycles? Sled hockey? Wheelchair quidditch? Syracuse University has Orangeability expo to showcase accessible athletics, and to let people try out the equipment (whether or not they have a disability:http://dailyorange.com/2015/03/orangeability-accessible-athletics-expo-creates-inclusive-space-for-both-non-disabled-people-and-people-with-disabilities/
* A Penn State task force releases its Report of the Task Force on Student Psychological Health and Welfare – it details ineffiencies in the system and a campus culture that prevents students from accessing and using resources they need: http://www.thedp.com/article/2015/03/mental-health-at-penn-2015-task-force
* Beginning April 15, Shelley Tremain, professor at the University of Toronto, will host monthly online dialogues with disabled philosophers:http://philosophycommons.typepad.com/disability_and_disadvanta/2015/03/coming-soon-dialogues-on-disability.html
* A new University of South Carolina study says approximately 17% of college students are misusing ADHD medications in an attempt to improve their academic performance (video has captions that don’t work, no audio description): http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1113352423/adhd-drug-misused-by-one-in-six-college-students-031515/
* Goal ball continues to spread in popularity, with three university teams in Kenya: http://allafrica.com/stories/201503301015.html
* A former Ferris State University student is suing for disability discrimination, saying her disability was used as grounds for dismissing her from the College of Optometry: http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/03/student_sues_ferris_state_says.html
* Muscatine Community College student Isaac Mcgourty wrote an article about ADA compliance on campus, and it changed the way he looks at physical accessibility and his own experiences with disability:http://calumet.eicc.edu/news/2015/04/02/disabled-students-have-a-long-walk-to-the-bathroom/
And a few related items of possible interest to college students:
* In the wake of the Germanwings tragedy, many are worried about how “depression” is being blamed, and how that could increase the stigma for people seeking help or living with that diagnosis – here are two examplesS http://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2015/mar/27/andreas-lubitzs-germanwings-crash-mental-health-stigma-depression andhttp://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2015/03/germanwings_co_pilot_mental_illness_suicide_is_linked_to_depression_but.html
* On Twitter, “We Women with Disabilities Want (#WeWwdWant) by International Disability Alliance is asking women and girls with disabilities around the world to tell the international community what they want:https://twitter.com/IDA_CRPD_Forum
* Are you sick of explaining your chronic illness to others? (Yes, pun intended.) Try sending them a link to this list of 13 things they need to know (GIFs have captions but no audio description):http://www.mtv.com/news/2061806/chronic-illness-wish-understood/
* Do you think there should be a symbol for disabilities that are not visible to others? One woman with a brain injury says yes – take a look at her design: http://torontobraininjuryblog.com/2015/03/26/is-it-the-right-time-for-a-hidden-disability-symbol/
* Without provocation, a male comic rips into a female comic because she is fat and has a disability. Was she asking for it? Should everyone just lighten up? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/iliza-shlesinger/looking-like-that-she-was-asking-for-it-right_b_6980690.html
* High school graduation rates increase slightly for U.S. students with disabilities, but these statistics vary widely by state, and are still much lower for Black, Hispanic, and low-income students, as well as those with limited English proficiency: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/17/graduation-rates-inch-up/20141/
* Traveling on spring break? Contact TSA if you have questions about accessibility of airport security: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/17/tsa-help-special-needs/20137/
* Buzzfeed has actress and comic Santina Muha answer eight questions from readers about what it’s like to be a woman using a wheelchair (captions are about 80% ok, no audio description):http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/02/woman-in-wheelchair-answers-questions-about-her-life-buzzfeed_n_6991876.html
* Leah Katz-Hernandez is Deaf and she is breaking new ground as the recently appointed White House receptionist (video is captioned but not audio described): http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/27/disability-receptionist/20165/
* SSDI policies are making it hard for many people with disabilities to move into the workforce: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/03/why-is-it-so-hard-to-find-jobs-for-disabled-workers/388796/
* Latisha Anderson is a self-described “RN on Wheels,” a nurse who is also a paraplegic: http://azdailysun.com/lifestyles/wheelchair-doesn-t-stop-nurse-as-she-ministers-to-prisoners/article_b04a6499-4a38-5197-a216-23360a57d8a9.html
* Project Onward in Chicago provides a workspace for artists with disabilities: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20150326/ISSUE01/150329952/a-workspace-just-for-artists-with-disabilities
* The overall employment rates and job outlook in the US is improving, but rates of unemployment for people with disabilities are continuing to rise: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/04/03/jobs-march-15/20187/
* The UN Human Rights Council approved a resolution on the rights of people with disabilities to live independently and to be included in the community – a link to the full report is available athttp://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/en/article/human-rights-council-opens-its-28th-regular-session-geneva
For more information about DREAM or the Taishoff Center, contact:
Wendy Harbour ([email protected])
Or check out the DREAM website at http://dream.syr.edu
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By the way, please don't presume DREAM, the Taishoff Center, or Syracuse University agree with everything in these links we send out - we're just passing along the information so you can form your own opinions. Thanks.